Please forward this newsletter to the 20 Somethings in your life! I have had numerous conversations with my own kids. These two articles – budgeting and the POWER of Starting NOW to save money for their future are perfect for them, and a good reminder for us!
Helping our loved seniors is not easy! Recently I have been helping an elderly client and her team of advisors (she has no family.) She has regretted deeply the procrastination of staying in her house and not moving to an independent or assisted living senior community, which she can afford if she sells her home. Before she moved, she fell twice and broke some bones. Now she is in skilled nursing and hoping to get well enough to move into an assisted living place. The control she savored is gone. Others have to clear out her home and put it up for sale. My advice: BEFORE the need arises – start taking field trips to look and see and prepare for a move.
Contents include:
:: 15 Facts about Social Security
:: Personal Finance Tips for New Graduates
:: Saving for the Future: Start Now or Start Later?
:: What is an assisted-living facility, and how do I choose one?
:: My parents can’t manage alone anymore. What should I do?
Read and download Pam’s May 2014 Newsletter here>>
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